Gum diseases: How To Avoid? How do gum diseases occur? Why does it go unnoticed? Gum disease will start when there is a plaque buildup under and along your gum line. Plaque is a sticky substance and it is damaging because it is filled with bacteria. This plaque is responsible for gum infections, which can …


Gum diseases: How To Avoid?

How do gum diseases occur? Why does it go unnoticed? Gum disease will start when there is a plaque buildup under and along your gum line. Plaque is a sticky substance and it is damaging because it is filled with bacteria. This plaque is responsible for gum infections, which can lead to gum diseases and tooth decay. Although gum disease is usually painless, there are symptoms that you can take note such as:

  • Your gum is inflamed and swollen
  • Your gum is red and tender
  • Your gum is prone to bleeding
  • You have a bad taste of breath
  • You lose permanent teeth
  • Your gums pulled away from your teeth

Gum disease is not life-threatening, though; but when not prevented, it can cause serious damage to your oral health and can even affect your overall health. Fortunately, gum disease is treatable and preventable.  Here are some ways to keep your gums healthy.

  • Brush your teeth properly

This is probably the most common, yet most ignored, ways to keep your mouth and gums healthy. When brushing, make sure to move the brush in short strokes and press gently. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and remember to replace your toothbrush once every 3 months or as soon as the bristles begin to fray.

  • Floss daily

Brushing is not enough; you have to floss at least once a day. Flossing will help remove the plaque and food particles trapped in between your teeth and those that are beyond your toothbrush’s reach. When not removed, these particles can lead to tartar build-up which can result in gum disease.

  • Regular checkup with your dentist

A regular checkup will allow your dentist to monitor your dental health and detect early gum diseases if there are any. That way, any diseases can be treated even before they become worse.

  • Do not smoke. If you smoke, quit

We all know that smoking can contribute to an early stage of gum disease. Smoking can weaken your immune system therefore your body will not be able to fight off any infection, including gum disease. Also, when you are smoking, it would be harder for your gums to heal if they are damaged.

  • Use the right toothpaste

The toothpaste you are using plays an important role in keeping your mouth healthy. Always choose the toothpaste that contains fluoride and has the ADA seal of approval.

Gum disease can lead to tooth loss and can seriously affect your oral health. Take the steps to prevent it from happening by keeping your gums healthy. For all your dental concerns contact us at Centreville Dentistry.