Dental emergencies are dental issues that require instant temporary aid or instant treatment. If you don’t get treatment immediately, the problem might get bigger, or the pain will get more excruciating. Bear in mind that dental emergencies happen anytime, anywhere, and for varied reasons. Therefore, it would help to know the dental emergencies and how …


Dental emergencies are dental issues that require instant temporary aid or instant treatment. If you don’t get treatment immediately, the problem might get bigger, or the pain will get more excruciating. Bear in mind that dental emergencies happen anytime, anywhere, and for varied reasons. Therefore, it would help to know the dental emergencies and how to deal with them.


Toothache is a sign of underlying severe dental problems, including cavities, infection, and tooth decay. If the toothache is accompanied by bleeding and swelling, it indicates that the periodontal disease is chronic. A wrong move often considered by many people is taking aspirin to relieve the pain. However, these painkillers will cause more harm than good as they are highly acidic. The high concentration of acid has the potential to erode the tooth enamel.

To help treat toothache, you should apply a cold press on the outside of your cheek. Next, you’ll need to visit our emergency dentist to help diagnose the dental issue.

Broken or Chipped Tooth

Notably, the teeth’ enamel is strong, thus preventing your teeth from breaking or chipping. Even when this is the case, breaking or chipping your tooth is possible. This can result from injury, accidental fall, or biting down on hard objects. Additionally, you’re susceptible to breakage or chips if you clench or bite your teeth. If this happens, ensure to rinse and preserve the teeth fragments and come with them for your appointment.

First, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water to treat a broken tooth. Secondly, use gauze to apply pressure on the bleeding areas. This will ensure that the bleeding stops. Third, use a cold press on your cheek or lips that cover the broken or cracked tooth. This will help you relieve the pain and reduce the swelling.

Lost Filling or Crown

Dental fillings and crowns are treatments used to restore the function of missing teeth due to tooth decay or cavities. Crowns might come off because of chewing on hard objects or other habits such as clenching and grinding. Another reason why dental crowns can come off is because of chewy and sticky foods.

It’s worth noting that when the dental crown falls off, the underlying tooth will be at risk of more damage. The good news is that the crown and filling can be fixed.

Knocked-Out or Lose Teeth

Loose or knocked-out teeth can result from oral trauma of any kind. They include accidental falls or sports injuries. To begin with, if you have a loose tooth, the wise thing to do is keep it in its socket. To do this, gently bite down the loose tooth to prevent it from falling out. You should first locate the missing tooth if you have a knocked-out tooth. Next is to take care of the tooth by holding it by the crown to prevent damaging the nerves. You’ll then need to rinse the tooth and either put it back in the socket or preserve it in a container of cold milk and carry it to your appointment.
Once you know the dental emergencies, the next thing will be to find a dentist for treatment. At Centreville Dentistry, our experts are ready to offer you the best dental care.